Y'all legalized weed, firearms, animal testing .......
and still haven't legalized human beings?
Legalize Human Beings. No human being is illegal.
We are all citizens of this earth, and let's not let imaginary boundaries rob us of our humanity. Everyone on this earth deserves full equality and human rights to seek better life and opportunities.
There are 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. 1 in 4 foreign born residents - immigrants - in the U.S. are undocumented. They either cross the border or overstay their visa in the process of fleeing violence, depravation and oppression. Undocumented immigrants are American in every way - we live in this country, work hard in this country, pay taxes in this country and we strive to bring justice in this country. Providing citizenship to undocumented immigrants is providing full equality for everyone living in this country of immigrants. Let's keep on advocating for our undocumented immigrant community with this shirt.
If you have any questions/concerns don't hesitate to contact us at soju.speakwear@gmail.com